Catholic Youth


Mom & Tots Pray & Play:  Do you want to introduce your child/children to Eucharistic Adoration? Do you need some quiet time praying with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? If so, this program is for you. Bring your children to adoration, and when you’re ready you can drop them off to enjoy supervised play with other children for the remaining time while you adore alone.  This will be held the LAST Wednesday of each month from 10:00-11:30am in the Adoration Chapel and Children’s Liturgy room at St. Ambrose Church. Registration is required, please email   Please register for the upcoming date of  Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Sacrament of Confirmation 2024:

The Sacrament of Confirmation has been held for this school year.  We ask our Lord for many blessings upon the students who received the Sacrament.

Children’s Liturgy  at  11:00 am Mass – last date for 2024 will be June 23rd.
At the beginning of Mass children will be invited to come forward to follow the leader downstairs to our Children’s Liturgy room. At the offertory, the children will return upstairs and sit as a group in the front pews for the remainder of Mass. (no registration required)


Camp Brebeuf in Rockwood Ontario – yearly summer camp for kids!
C.Y.O. Camp Brébeuf offers a variety of activities and facilities to provide children with a memorable camp experience.
Day Camp: For campers aged 4-13 . Campers are placed into age-based groups that they will rotate with to activities during the week. We specifically design all group activity rotations to be age-appropriate for the various sections with 9 different program areas that campers will get to experience.
Overnight Camp: For campers aged 7 to 14. Campers are placed into age-based cabin groups that become their home for the duration of their stay at camp. During the day for programming a cabin may be paired with a second cabin to create a ‘cabin group’ of campers for activities.


New Altar Servers
We would like to welcome children to become altar servers. It is a honour to serve at the Lord’s table during Holy Mass. Parents, please speak to your son or daughter about becoming an altar server.  Students (Grade 3 and older) who would like to be altar servers are asked to contact Fr. Gary at the parish office or email

Catholic Schools within our Parish area:

St. Anne School
127 Elgin Street North 519- 621-8920

Holy Spirit School
15 Gatehouse Drive 519-621-8973

St. Vincent de Paul School
30 Faial Road 519-740-0678

Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School
185 Myers Road 519-622-1290

For all information regarding conditions for admission to elementary and secondary Catholic schools, as well general school information:

Waterloo Catholic District School Board office