Parish Bulletin February 16, 2025
Parish Bulletin February 9, 2025
Parish Bulletin February 2, 2025
St. Ambrose Parish is within the
Diocese of Hamilton.
Visit their website for information on various programs and information.

How blessed we are at St. Ambrose Parish! We have a beautiful church in which to peacefully and safely worship our Lord, but even more, we have wonderful people who give of themselves through their time and talents to make our parish a faith-filled community. A parish does not just simply begin overnight. It is built, piece by piece, person by person, by those who dedicated themselves from the very foundation of our parish. We owe so much to those people who, over 60 years ago, were instrumental in establishing our parish community. We cannot look to the future without acknowledging the efforts of the past. Presently, just as in the past, our parish is a constant reminder of God’s love for us, and for our families.

Pope Francis said,

“How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith!”

We gather together to praise and worship, and most importantly, receive the Sacraments. Those who enter our church do so with a desire to know the Lord more intimately, and we hope they will also find a welcoming parish family. You are most welcome to join our family!

For non-Violent Culture

For those who have lost a child.

For the Cry of the Earth