Parish Programmes

Listed below are various parish and community programs and their contact person.

Altar Servers
It is an honour to serve at Holy Mass. If your daughter or son would like to be an altar server, please contact the parish office
(students Grade 4 and older)
Contact: Barbara Roy at 519.621.2013

Perpetual Adoration Chapel
All are welcome to quietly pray at our Perpetual Adoration Chapel.  Entrance to the Chapel is located on the South Street side door of the Church.    If you can commit to a particular hour each week please Contact: the parish office by phone or email.  Due to security concerns, the outside door is locked.  For details on how to access the Chapel, please contact the parish office.

Baptism Preparation
Please contact the parish office as soon as possible to arrange for baptism preparation and to reserve a date for your child’s Baptism.  Parents are required to participate in a preparation program prior to selecting a date for their child’s baptism.  Parents who are not living within the parish area of St. Ambrose Church are encouraged to contact their local Church, closest to where they live.

St. Ambrose Ladies’ Group
Ladies of the parish are welcome to assist this dedicated group of women with various activites throughout the year.
Contact: Myra Klaassen at

Children’s Liturgy (during the 11:00 Masses for children JK to Grade 2 age)
Children are welcome to join the Liturgy leader during the first part of the Mass.  After the opening prayer of the Mass, Father will invite the children to follow the Liturgy leader to the children’s liturgy room. During the Offertory Procession the children will return to the church and sit as a group in the front pews, ensuring that they will have a close view of the remainder of Mass.
New adult and teenager volunteers are certainly welcome. Please contact Barb at  the Parish office at 519.621.2013 for more information.

11:00 am Sunday Mass Choir
Contact Organist/Director Mark Fernandes at 519.241.8831

Lectors to read for Sunday Masses
Contact the parish office at 519.621.2013

Marriage Preparation
If you are planning to marry, please contact the parish office at least 12 months prior to the proposed date.
Contact the parish office at 519.621.2013

Offertory Procession (to take up the gifts during the Offertory)
Contact Ilda Chaves at 519.621.4956

Prayer Network
Parishioners will pray, in confidence, for your special intentions.
Contact: Peggy Rann at 519.620.4924

Prayers for the Sick   are held on  Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 pm.  Please use the side door of the Church on parking lot side.  Everyone is welcome.

Religious Articles & Books
Contact Barb at the parish office 519. 621.2013

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is a volunteer group of parishioners who assist those in need within our community.

If you need temporary help with food assistance leave a message at the phone number: 519.623.8764 or email to

To donate clothing or household items for pick-up contact 519.629.0103 Value Centre

Contact Vincent Nevidon at 519.740.1416

Other local Catholic & Christian organizations:

Cambridge Right to Life
Phone: 519.623.1850
24 Hour Help Line: 1800.665.0570 

Catechetical Correspondence Course
Religious home study program for Catholic students attending Public school or home schooled –
Kindergarten to Grade 12
Contact Christine Mines,  Diocese of Hamilton  at 905.528.7988,  ext.2239

Knights of Columbus
Contact Selwyn Langlois 519-621-2580

Natural Family Planning Centre of Waterloo Region
Offers assitance in learning Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods to space children in accordance with Catholic Church teachings.

Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a ministry of reconciliation and healing for men and women who have had a past abortion experience.
Contact Teresa Hartnett at 905.528.7988, ext 2250 or email here.